From: HubMed - breast cancer <>
Date: Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 2:45 PM
Subject: [Locally advanced breast cancer in elderly patients: treatment standardised or tailored to individual needs?]
[1]Chir Ital. 2007 Nov-Dec; 59(6): 829-33
Sanguinetti A, Ragusa M, De Falco M, Sperlongano P, Calzolari F, Parmeggiani D, Misso C, Piatto A, Parmeggiani U, Avenia N
Breast cancer in elderly patients occurs frequently and is often inadequately managed. Furthermore, for organizational and social reasons, the incidence of locally advanced neoplasms is higher in this age group than in the younger population. The aim of the study was to assess our experience in this specific pathology and review the international literature on this topic. From 2001 to 2005 116 cases of breast cancer in elderly women (70-95 years old) were observed by our surgical units. Of these, 38 were at a locally advanced stage (10--26.3%--stage IIIA, 28--73.7%--stage IIIB). Comorbidity (two or more diseases) existed in 32 patients. A Madden modified radical mastectomy was carried out in all cases. Resection was extended to the chest-wall tissues in cases of local infiltration. Surgical mortality was 10% (4 cases). Eight of the 34 patients discharged died within 24 months (2 of disease progression). Adjuvant chemotherapy was never offered. On the other hand, all patients received hormone therapy (tamoxifen). 10 of the 26 patients (38.4%) surviving over 2 years underwent redo surgery for local relapse of disease. Our conclusions are: 1) breast cancer in elderly patients is often underestimated and undertreated; 2) disease management cannot be standardized, but must be tailored to the single patient; 3) short- and medium-term results are satisfactory; 4) comorbidity must be carefully assessed.
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