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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fwd: Narrow-band imaging optical chromocolonoscopy: Advantages and limitations.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: HubMed - cancer <rssfwd@rssfwd.com>
Date: Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 7:09 AM
Subject: Narrow-band imaging optical chromocolonoscopy: Advantages and limitations.
To: mesothelioma77@gmail.com

[1]World J Gastroenterol. 2008 Aug 21; 14(31): 4867-72
Emura F, Saito Y, Ikematsu H

Narrow-band imaging (NBI) is an innovative optical technology that modifies the center wavelength and bandwidth of an endoscope's light into narrow-band illumination of 415 +/- 30 nm. NBI markedly improves capillary pattern contrast and is an in vivo method for visualizing microvessel morphological changes in superficial neoplastic lesions. The scientific basis for NBI is that short wavelength light falls within the hemoglobin absorption band, thereby facilitating clearer visualization of vascular structures. Several studies have reported advantages and limitations of NBI colonoscopy in the colorectum. One difficulty in evaluating results, however, has been non-standardization of NBI systems (Sequential and non-sequential). Utilization of NBI technology has been increasing worldwide, but accurate pit pattern analysis and sufficient skill in magnifying colonoscopy are basic fundamentals required for proficiency in NBI diagnosis of colorectal lesions. Modern optical technology without proper image interpretation wastes resources, confuses untrained endoscopists and delays inter-institutional validation studies. Training in the principles of "optical image-enhanced endoscopy" is needed to close the gap between technological advancements and their clinical usefulness. Currently available evidence indicates that NBI constitutes an effective and reliable alternative to chromocolonoscopy for in vivo visualization of vascular structures, but further study assessing reproducibility and effectiveness in the colorectum is ongoing at various medical centers.

Source: http://www.hubmed.org/display.cgi?uids=18756593
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Some Notes and Thoughts To Ponder

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Have peace of mind. Life Insurance can protect your family and love ones financially.

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The thing that one can do to relieve their stress and burden in life is to have some Humor and Funny Stuffs to watch and read. You can find these anywhere from your favorite online social utility networking site to any social sites that have humorous and funny stuffs. It is always important to have Life Insurance plan coverage to protect your love ones and your family too. Getting yourself insured is a relief in the sense that will not have to worry about the financial needs of your family and most dearest to your heart. To get started, you need to get some Life Insurance Quotes from amongst the Life Insurance Companies that are very stable and reliable.

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Make the best of what you can do Today because you don't know what is going to happen the next seconds, minute, hour or days and weeks. Enjoy life and what you have. Have peace of mind. Life Insurance can protect your family and love ones. Once you're covered make the best of what you have and what you can. Life is too short so to speak.


Sleep soundly by protecting your most precious love ones and Family. This will be the most reassuring way of getting a good night sleep.

Have peace of mind. Life Insurance can protect your family and love ones financially.

Get Life Insurance Coverage and Enjoy Life With Humor and Funny Stuffs

The thing that one can do to relieve their stress and burden in life is to have some Humor and Funny Stuffs to watch and read. You can find these anywhere from your favorite online social utility networking site to any social sites that have humorous and funny stuffs. It is always important to have Life Insurance plan coverage to protect your love ones and your family too. Getting yourself insured is a relief in the sense that will not have to worry about the financial needs of your family and most dearest to your heart. To get started, you need to get some Life Insurance Quotes from amongst the Life Insurance Companies that are very stable and reliable.

Get the Best Info and guide on how to purchase Life Insurance and get some Life Insurance Quotes from a financially stable and sound Life Insurance Companies.

Make the best of what you can do Today because you don't know what is going to happen the next seconds, minute, hour or days and weeks. Enjoy life and what you have. Have peace of mind. Life Insurance can protect your family and love ones. Once you're covered make the best of what you have and what you can. Life is too short so to speak.


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